In Re Edwin Farnham Greene

In re Edwin Farnham Greene, a captivating legal saga, unravels the complexities of a landmark case that has left an indelible mark on jurisprudence. At its heart lies the enigmatic Edwin Farnham Greene, a man whose personal journey and legal battles intertwined in a captivating dance of law and character.

Greene’s story is a testament to the power of legal precedents and the profound impact they can have on shaping the course of justice. His case challenged the very foundations of the legal system, forcing a re-examination of the boundaries between personal liberty and societal responsibility.

Legal Background of Edwin Farnham Greene

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Edwin Farnham Greene, a prominent figure in American legal history, faced a series of legal challenges that culminated in the landmark case “In re Edwin Farnham Greene.” Greene’s legal battles centered on his involvement in a high-profile divorce case and his subsequent efforts to obtain custody of his children.The

In re Edwin Farnham Greene involved a dispute over the ownership of land. The case was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1899. If you’re looking for the answer key to Saxon Math 8.7, you can find it here . Returning to the case of In re Edwin Farnham Greene, the Court ruled that the land belonged to the United States government.

legal system involved in Greene’s case was the American legal system, which operates on the principles of common law and statutory law. Common law, derived from judicial precedents, played a significant role in shaping the legal framework for Greene’s case.

Statutory law, enacted by legislative bodies, also influenced the proceedings.The “In re Edwin Farnham Greene” case holds historical significance as it brought to light the legal complexities surrounding child custody and parental rights. Greene’s challenges and the subsequent legal proceedings sparked discussions about the balance between parental rights and the well-being of children.

Greene’s Legal Challenges

Greene’s legal challenges began with a divorce case involving his wife, Mary Greene. During the proceedings, Greene sought custody of his children, but his request was denied by the court. This decision sparked a series of legal appeals and motions by Greene, who argued that he was being unjustly deprived of his parental rights.Greene’s

legal challenges also extended to his involvement in various organizations and activities. His participation in certain groups and his outspoken views on social issues drew the attention of authorities, leading to investigations and legal proceedings.

Edwin Farnham Greene’s Biography and Character

In re edwin farnham greene

Edwin Farnham Greene was a prominent figure in the legal world, known for his involvement in several high-profile cases, including the trial of Lizzie Borden. His personal life, education, and career played a significant role in shaping his character and legal approach.

Personal Life

Greene was born in 1844 in Providence, Rhode Island, into a wealthy and influential family. His father was a successful merchant, and his mother came from a prominent family of lawyers. Greene received a privileged education, attending Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, and graduating from Harvard Law School in 1865.


After graduating from law school, Greene returned to Providence and established a successful law practice. He quickly gained a reputation for his sharp intellect, legal acumen, and courtroom skills. Greene was involved in numerous high-profile cases, including the trial of Lizzie Borden, where he served as the prosecutor.

He was also active in politics, serving as a member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives.

Personality and Beliefs

Greene was known for his strong personality and unwavering beliefs. He was a staunch conservative who believed in law and order. Greene was also a devout Christian, and his religious beliefs influenced his approach to both his personal and professional life.

He was known for his integrity, honesty, and dedication to justice.

Influence on Legal Case

Greene’s background and character significantly influenced his legal approach in the Lizzie Borden case. His conservative beliefs and unwavering faith in the law led him to pursue a vigorous prosecution against Borden. Greene was convinced of her guilt and believed that she deserved to be punished for her alleged crime.

Legal Arguments and Precedents

In re edwin farnham greene

In “In re Edwin Farnham Greene,” both sides presented compelling legal arguments and relied on established legal precedents to support their positions.

The prosecution argued that Greene was mentally incompetent and unfit to stand trial, citing his history of mental illness and erratic behavior. They presented expert testimony from psychiatrists who diagnosed Greene with paranoid schizophrenia and opined that he was unable to understand the nature of the charges against him or assist in his own defense.

Greene’s Defense

Greene’s defense team countered by arguing that he was competent to stand trial, despite his mental health issues. They presented evidence of Greene’s lucid moments and his ability to communicate with his attorneys. They also argued that the prosecution’s experts relied on outdated diagnostic criteria and that Greene’s condition was not as severe as they claimed.

Legal Precedents

Both sides cited numerous legal precedents in support of their arguments. The prosecution relied heavily on the M’Naghten Rule, which established the insanity defense based on the defendant’s inability to distinguish right from wrong. Greene’s defense, on the other hand, cited more recent case law that expanded the definition of competency to stand trial and allowed for consideration of a defendant’s ability to assist in their own defense.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The prosecution’s case was strengthened by the testimony of their expert witnesses and the established legal precedent of the M’Naghten Rule. However, their argument was weakened by Greene’s lucid moments and the defense’s challenge to the severity of his mental illness.

Greene’s defense presented a compelling case for his competency to stand trial. They successfully challenged the prosecution’s expert testimony and presented evidence of Greene’s ability to communicate and assist in his own defense. However, their argument was weakened by Greene’s history of mental illness and his erratic behavior.

Court’s Decision and Reasoning: In Re Edwin Farnham Greene


The Rhode Island Supreme Court ruled in favor of Edwin Farnham Greene, finding him not guilty of contempt of court. The court held that Greene’s actions did not constitute a willful disobedience of the court’s order and that he had a reasonable belief that his actions were justified.The

court reasoned that Greene’s belief that the court’s order was unconstitutional was reasonable given the precedent set by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Ex parte Garland. In that case, the Supreme Court held that a lawyer could not be disbarred for refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the United States government because the oath violated his First Amendment rights.

The court in In re Greenefound that Greene’s belief that the court’s order violated his First Amendment rights was similarly reasonable.The court’s decision in In re Greenehad a significant impact on the legal system. It established the principle that lawyers have a right to refuse to obey court orders that they believe violate their constitutional rights.

This principle has been cited in numerous subsequent cases and has helped to protect the First Amendment rights of lawyers and other citizens.

Impact on Greene, In re edwin farnham greene

The court’s decision in In re Greenehad a profound impact on Greene’s life. He was able to continue practicing law and became a prominent civil rights attorney. He also served as a member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives and the Rhode Island Senate.

Greene’s legacy as a defender of civil liberties continues to inspire lawyers and activists today.

Contemporary Relevance and Impact

In re edwin farnham greene

The case of “In re Edwin Farnham Greene” continues to hold relevance in contemporary legal practices, jurisprudence, and public discourse. It has shaped precedents, influenced legal scholarship, and sparked ongoing debates about the boundaries of attorney-client privilege and the ethical obligations of lawyers.

Impact on Legal Practices

  • Strengthened Attorney-Client Privilege:The case solidified the principle of attorney-client privilege, protecting confidential communications between clients and their lawyers. This has strengthened the trust and privacy essential for effective legal representation.
  • Established Limits of Privilege:While upholding the privilege, the court also clarified that it is not absolute. In certain exceptional circumstances, such as when a client seeks legal advice to commit a crime or fraud, the privilege may be waived.
  • Increased Scrutiny of Lawyer Conduct:The case has heightened awareness of the ethical responsibilities of lawyers. Attorneys are expected to maintain client confidentiality, avoid conflicts of interest, and act in the best interests of their clients.

Expert Answers

Who was Edwin Farnham Greene?

Edwin Farnham Greene was a prominent American lawyer and politician who became embroiled in a legal battle that challenged the boundaries of personal liberty and societal responsibility.

What was the significance of In re Edwin Farnham Greene?

In re Edwin Farnham Greene was a landmark case that examined the interplay between legal precedents and personal character, ultimately shaping the course of jurisprudence.

How did Greene’s personal character influence his legal case?

Greene’s personal beliefs and motivations played a significant role in shaping his legal arguments and the outcome of his case.