Elizabeth The Golden Age Worksheet Answers

Elizabeth the Golden Age Worksheet Answers offers a comprehensive overview of the Elizabethan era, providing valuable insights into one of England’s most significant periods. This meticulously crafted resource delves into the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, exploring its historical context, major events, and lasting impact.

Through engaging narratives and detailed explanations, this worksheet answers delve into the economic, social, religious, cultural, and artistic achievements that shaped this transformative era. Discover the challenges faced by Elizabeth I and her government, the impact of the Reformation on English society, and the cultural brilliance that flourished during the Renaissance.

Elizabeth I’s Reign

Elizabeth I’s reign, spanning from 1558 to 1603, marked a golden age in English history. Known as the “Virgin Queen,” she presided over a period of remarkable economic, social, and cultural prosperity, while navigating complex religious and political challenges.

Her reign was characterized by several key events and achievements, including the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, the establishment of the Church of England, and the flowering of the English Renaissance.

Timeline of Key Events, Elizabeth the golden age worksheet answers

  • 1558: Elizabeth I ascends to the throne
  • 1559: Act of Supremacy establishes the Church of England
  • 1570: Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth
  • 1588: Defeat of the Spanish Armada
  • 1603: Elizabeth I dies, succeeded by James VI of Scotland

Economic and Social Changes

Elizabeth the golden age worksheet answers

Elizabeth I’s reign witnessed significant economic and social transformations. The growth of trade and exploration, particularly through the establishment of the East India Company, led to an influx of wealth and the rise of a merchant class.

Social changes included the emergence of a more literate and educated society, the development of new forms of entertainment, and the growth of cities.

Role of Trade and Exploration

  • Expansion of trade with Europe, Asia, and the Americas
  • Establishment of trading companies, such as the East India Company
  • Growth of merchant class and economic prosperity

Religious Issues

Elizabeth I faced ongoing religious challenges throughout her reign. The Reformation had divided England, and she sought to maintain religious stability by implementing a middle ground known as the Elizabethan Settlement.

Despite her efforts, religious tensions persisted, leading to plots and uprisings by both Catholics and Puritans.

Policies and Measures

  • Act of Supremacy (1559): Established the Church of England
  • Act of Uniformity (1559): Enforced the use of the Book of Common Prayer
  • Recusancy laws: Punished Catholics for refusing to attend Anglican services

Cultural and Artistic Achievements

Elizabeth the golden age worksheet answers

The Elizabethan era was a time of great cultural and artistic flourishing. William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Jonson were among the many renowned writers and playwrights of the period.

The Renaissance had a profound influence on Elizabethan culture, leading to the development of new artistic styles and the rise of humanism.

Works of Prominent Writers

  • William Shakespeare: “Hamlet,” “Macbeth,” “Romeo and Juliet”
  • Christopher Marlowe: “Doctor Faustus,” “Tamburlaine the Great”
  • Ben Jonson: “Volpone,” “The Alchemist”

Elizabeth’s Legacy

Elizabeth the golden age worksheet answers

Elizabeth I’s reign left a lasting impact on English history. She established a strong and centralized monarchy, fostered economic prosperity, and promoted cultural achievements.

Her reign also set the stage for the future development of England as a global power.

Strengths and Weaknesses as a Monarch

  • Strengths:Strong leadership, diplomatic skills, ability to maintain religious stability
  • Weaknesses:Religious intolerance, reliance on favorites, lack of a clear successor

Questions and Answers: Elizabeth The Golden Age Worksheet Answers

What were the key events of Elizabeth I’s reign?

The defeat of the Spanish Armada, the establishment of the Church of England, and the flourishing of English literature and drama.

How did the Reformation impact English society?

It led to religious divisions, persecution of Catholics, and the establishment of a new Protestant identity for England.

What were Elizabeth I’s strengths and weaknesses as a monarch?

Strengths: intelligence, political skill, and charisma. Weaknesses: indecisiveness, vanity, and a tendency to procrastinate.

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